Monkey Fund

Because Monkeys Think Differently

Art Expertise

The Monkeys at Monkey Fund have absolutely zero digital art education or knowledge of digital art. But then again, who does? And who can even define what digital art is or isn’t?

Should you join our banana brigade and enter Monkey Fund, you are readily admitting that you are a gambling blind monkey, which quite frankly is the truth.

Gambling Experience

The Monkeys at Monkey Fund have never managed a gambling fund before and have zero gambling fund experience. One monkey did manage to beat Vegas for three years straight and a
few monkeys have handily beat the suits to the moon in 2021, so rest assured you are in great monkey hands.

While many in the NFT space claim to be experts, your spidey sense should be telling you that’s
impossible. At Monkey Fund we always tell it like it is. So yea, that’s impossible.

Monkey See Monkey Do

The most popular answer gamblers give as to why they are interested in NFTs is because “everyone else is.” Well at Monkey Fund “everyone else” is ingrained in our DNA: Monkey See Monkey Do. And that’s probably why you are here. You’re doing great! Want a banana?